*SPONTANEOUS GREAT BLISS, a prayer to Lord Maitreya with a supplication for the bardo beings


With respect I prostrate to the lord of Victors, Mipham,
the unconquered One!
From the spontaneous great bliss of the sky of your Dharmakaya
You pervade the world with a cloud of affection and love
And let fall a rain of great deeds in an unbroken stream.

Please come to this place without obstructions,
By the power of my faith, like the form of the moon in water,
Exactly perceiving from the play of your wisdom all the thoughts
And dispositions of numberless disciples.

Please abide steadfast until samsara´s end!
The sight of these supreme emanations never satiates me,
Encrusted like a collection of variegated jewels
In a supreme Mount Meru of the most beautiful refined gold.

O compassionate Protector, please establish in all life times
Harmonious conditions for practice, that you manifest
Your form body, O attractive Maitreya, and holding me close
Surely lead me by the hand to the pure land of Ganden.

Without ever being separated from the nectar of your eyes
Please bless me that I always follow the Mahayana teachings
And after completing all the activities of the Bodhisattvas
Bless me to quickly achieve buddhahood.

May I act for the benefit and glorious happiness of all beings
And for the spread and increase
of the Buddha´s teachings in the ten directions.
I pray that imbued with the mind of love, all these beings
Accomplish their wishes, even their temporary goals.

May there be the auspiciousness of the Muni´s teachings
Increasing in the ten directions,
May there be the auspiciousness
Of always practicing the teachings until samsara´s end,
And may the world be filled by the gathered assembly
Of those having the three trainings and the robes.

By the truth of the non deceptive Three Precious Jewels,
By the blessings and power of the Unconquered Victor,
By the enlightened activities
Of the powerful Dharmapalas and Guardians,
May all the points of this perfect prayer be accomplished.


Now, if you wish to make a strong supplication focusing on the bardo beings you can recite the following:


When their merits are exhausted
And the virtue that produces this life comes to an end,
When they are dragged away
By the Lord of Death and terrifying demons,
O divine Lama Yidam, look with compassion
Upon those protectorless, tormented bardo beings!

When bound by the neck
With the dark fetters of the mental afflictions
They are pushed by the ferocious winds of unavoidable karma,
O divine Lama Yidam, give refuge and protection
To all those bardo beings bewildered by uncertainty!

When they wander alone into a friendless, unknown land,
Frenzied by the terror of mirage-like deceptive apparitions,
O divine Lama Yidam, give refuge and protection
To all those bardo beings uncertain as to where they will be born.

When they are received by a circle
Of blood curdling, loveless monsters,
A host of hellish messengers produced by karma,
O divine Lama Yidam, look with compassion
Upon those with bulging eyes seeking a refuge!

When with subtle clarvoyance they become dimly aware
Of their previous and subsequent lives, with desperate worry
They faint as if their life force were cut by the weapon of regret.
O compassionate One, please protect them from these terrors!

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©Vincent and Rosario Montenegro, translators